Embrace cultural diversity and be part of our global team. Our workforce represents 1514 employees from more than 50 different nationalities working in more 20 offices worldwide, and our revenues are generated from more than 150 countries.

Do you have a keen sense for collaboration and customer focus? Are you seeking a position in which your quest for continuous improvement, your commercial acumen and your customer-focused mindset will be key to your everyday work? Are you known for your professional integrity and intellectual curiosity? Do you have full command of French and English, and knowledge of other languages? So come along and join us!

Throughout the recruitment process, we place emphasis on your career goals and your ability to integrate an international, fast-paced environment. Each of our positions, whether in the technical or functional roles offers a high level of autonomy and responsibility, backed by a social policy that meets individual as well as collective requirements.


Discover a career in the space sector


To continue the sales, deployment and control of our infrastructure in orbit and on the ground and provide ongoing technical and operational support to our commercial colleagues, we regularly hire telecommunications engineers and new graduates in satellite communications technology.  In particular, we look for technically qualified individuals who enjoy working with customers.  Positions are available at Eutelsat’s Paris headquarters, Eutelsat OneWeb in London and Virginia and at the Rambouillet teleport.



Eutelsat has two commercial divisions which power the Group, its video business unit and its connectivity business unit, known as Eutelsat OneWeb. The Group’s customers include almost anyone requiring connectivity, especially in the remotest areas of the world from telecoms, satellite solution providers, governments, businesses and community organisations to TV stations, operators, production companies, institutional users and private companies. Our sales and marketing teams are active in our strategic markets to help Eutelsat OneWeb and Eutelsat’s video representatives build close relationships with customers in these areas.  They are given valuable assistance by our sales support, sales administration and customer care teams.


Other fields

Eutelsat Group also offers positions in other vital corporate functions which help define the company’s strategic goals.  Such posts include roles in management-control functions, information systems, strategic development, corporate communications and legal affairs.


Achieve your potential in a stimulating work environment

We believe that connecting your world changes everything so technical excellence, customer orientation and deep market knowledge are priorities. Eutelsat’s training policy capitalises on our global mindset, with on-going training enabling colleagues to hone their skills.

We aim to foster a fulfilling work environment and offer an attractive remuneration policy, which places emphasis on individual responsibility and performance. The Group has implemented a high level of social cover schemes and created a favourable environment for employee shareholding and long-term saving.


Praca w firmie odpowiedzialnej społecznie


Zapobieganie dyskryminacji to zasada, wokół której jednoczą się nasi pracownicy. Jako sygnatariusz Karty Różnorodności Biznesowej, Eutelsat przestrzega jej od momentu zyskania miana organizacji międzyrządowej, stosując ją zarówno w procesach rekrutacyjnych, jak i pozostałych działaniach spółki.

Pomimo funkcjonowania w sektorze high-tech, gdzie kobiety stanowią 25% studentów, naszym celem jest osiągnięcie większego balansu między kobietami i mężczyznami, zwłaszcza wśród inżynierów i managerów, także dzięki mobilności i wewnętrznym awansom.

Grupa dąży również do bezszwowej integracji swoich obiektów technicznych z otoczeniem w miejscach ich lokalizacji. Obejmuje to dialog między stronami w kwestiach związanych ze środowiskiem, a także stworzenie miejsc pracy w rejonach, gdzie zbudowane są teleporty.

Inicjatywa Solidarności, wspierana przez 50% pracowników, obejmuje zaokrąglanie kwot na liście płac i dofinansowania do programów kredytowych, zachęcając nowych pracowników. Grupa zakłada również dofinansowania indywidualne.