Nutzer müssen die Kompatibilität zwischen Bodenstationen innerhalb ihrer Netze sicherstellen und sind dafür verantwortlich, das diese mit den Eutelsat-Kriterien für die Minimierung von Interferenzen zwischen Bodenstationen und Eutelsat-Satelliten übereinstimmen, über die Kapazitäten bereitgestellt werden.
Um zukünftigen Nutzern zu helfen, beschreiben unsere Dokumentationen detailliert, die notwendigen Leistungscharakteristiken und technischen Anforderungen, die erfüllt sein müssen, um einen Zugang zum Raumsegment von Eutelsat zu erhalten und als "Standard" Bodenstation akzeptiert zu werden.
Für An- und Rückfragen nehem Sie bitte Kontakt zum Earth Station Approval Office auf:
Tel.: +33 1 53 98 39 25
Anträge für Bodenstationen für den Zugang zum Eutelsat Raumseggment werden ausschließlich über unser Unternehmens-Extranet bearbeitet.
Für An- und Rückfragen nehem Sie bitte Kontakt zum Earth Station Approval Office auf:
Tel.: +33 1 53 98 39 25
Um ein Eutelsat-Betreiber zu werden und einen Antrag für eine Bodenstation für den Zugang zum Eutelsat Raumsegment stellen zu können, müssen Sie sich in unserem Extranet registrieren. Wenn Sie als Eutelsat-Betreiber registriert sind, erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung. Danach können Sie uns einen Antrag auf Zulassung Ihrer Bodenstation zur Genehmigung einreichen.
Registrierte Eutelsat-Betreiber können ihren Antrag auf Zugang zum Eutelsat Raumsegment über unser Extranet stellen. Dies ist der schnellste und effektivste Weg für den Zugang zum Raumsegment. Die Einreichung via Email wird akzeptiert. Bitte nutzen Sie allerdings diese Form:
Für An- und Rückfragen nehem Sie bitte Kontakt zum Earth Station Approval Office auf:
Tel.: +33 1 53 98 39 25
As a manufacturer, if you wish to get a certification such as a Type Approval or a Characterization, please contact the Type Approval team.
The “Type Approval/Characterization” process, including the detail of tests to be performed, is explained in ESOG 120.
The purpose of these tests is to verify the compliance of the antenna type according to our specifications (EESS 502).
You can access our ESOG and EESS in the Documentation section below, as well as find more information in our FAQ section.
If you have any queries, please contact the Type Approval team:
Phone: +33 1 53 98 49 97 / 39 45
Die Standards für Eutelsat Bodenstationen stellen detailliert technische und betriebliche Leistungscharakteristiken bereit, die für Bodenstationen und damit verbundene Ausrüstungen für den Zugang zum Raumsegment erforderlich sind.
Die folgenden Standards gelten:
Die ESOG Handbücher (Eutelsat systems Operations Guides) beschreiben alle notwendigen Informationen für den erfolgreichen Betrieb von Bodenstationen innerhalb des Eutelsat Satellitensystems.
Die folgenden Informationen sind in vielen Sprachen erhältlich, um Betreiber von Bodenstationen über Zulassungsprozesse, Line-up Prozesse, Verfahren und das Managementprozedere bei Interferenzen zu informieren.
Line-ups für Bodenstationen zeigen, dass die Antenne und damit verbundene Ausrüstungen den verbindlichen Anforderungen und den in den Bodenstation-Standards und Übertragungsplänen beschriebenen Leistungen entsprechen. Die folgenden Tests sind verbindlich vorgeschrieben:
PTLU (Pre-Transmission Line-Up) Tests sind vor jedem Zugang zum Eutelsat Raumsegment zwingend erforderlich (z.B. SNGs). Das Eutelsat CSC kontrolliert die übertragene EIRP, Frequenz, Cross-Polarisation, Bitrate. Weitere Informationen (Englisch): ESOG 140: Operational management (PDF, 106 KB)
Weitere Informationen: ESOG 230: VSAT line-ups/registration (PDF, 118 KB)
ESVA (Earth Station Verification and Assistance): Verifizierung der Antennen-Strahlungskeule via Satellit, sowie der co- und cross-polaren Eigenschaften der Bodenstation. Weitere Informationen (Englisch: ESOG 130: Earth Station Verification and Assistance (PDF, 2 MB)
The Type Approval of earth station antennas depends on the ability to manufacture the antenna system with repeated precision.
Type Approval should be obtained if the production of more than 10 units of the same type of antenna configuration is intended.
For lower numbers Eutelsat S.A. Characterization may be preferable.
The full procedure is detailed in ESOG 120: Type Approval and Characterization Procedures
(PDF, 4 MB)
Characterization of an antenna system should be obtained if the production of more than 3 units and less than 10 units of the same type of antenna configuration is intended. For single stations an ESVA test of an individual station may be sufficient.
The full procedure is detailed in ESOG 120: Type Approval and Characterization Procedures (PDF) and ESOG 260: Manual and Auto-Deploy terminals handbook
(PDF, 440 KB)
The following slides show the antennas detailed in the sections below.
The following document details the antennas which have successfully passed the Type Approval tests.
The following document details the antennas which have successfully passed the Characterization tests.
The following document details the antennas dedicated to the KONNECT and ADVANCE services.
N.B. Approved antennas in previous sections may also be used with BUC and LNB adapted for KONNECT or ADVANCE modems.
The following document shows the antennas dedicated to Interactive solutions (e.g. SMART LNB).
Once the space capacity has been reserved, the technical data of the earth station must be submitted for approval to access the Eutelsat space segment. The application is processed on-line, and once the technical data has been verified and the earth station approved, an official approval letter will be sent by e-mail confirming the assigned earth station code and the access conditions. In some cases the earth station may be subject to tests to confirm the performance of the antenna and associated ground equipment.
Before accessing the Eutelsat space segment, it is imperative that the Eutelsat CSC is called in order to carry out a verification test before the transmission takes place.
The above steps are necessary for all types of antennas, including the Eutelsat type approved.
For SNG access, see also the document SNG carriers Universal Access Procedures (PDF, 114 KB)
The following data is required to submit an earth station for approval:
General: Earth station name, type of station, planned type of service
Fixed earth station location: Nearest town, country, latitude, longitude, address, telephone, facsimile, e-mail
Service: Type of service, planned start date
Antenna: the information required depends on the type of antenna chosen:
The Eutelsat earth station code identifies univocally the earth station and in particular, allows the control and monitoring of its access to the Eutelsat space segment.
The code is composed of two or three fields separated by a hyphen:
Country code (maximum three letters, e.g. F for France, ITA for Italy, etc.)
Town or site code (maximum three letters e.g. PAR for Paris)
Progressive three digit code.
For example: F-PAR-001
For transportable earth stations, only the first and third field are normally present: for example: F-99
For VSATs, the second field is replaced by a three-letter code with the abbreviation of the VSAT network name; the third field contains four digits and is followed by the letter V. For example: F-ABC-0001V
See Infonote 5: VSAT terminal registration (PDF - 30 KB)
See Infonote 9: Use of UPPC (Up-Link Power Control Units) (PDF, 72 KB)
The linear polarisation planes (defined as X and Y and orthogonal to each other) of most of the Eutelsat satellites are not parallel/orthogonal to the equatorial plane. For historical reasons, the polarisation planes are inclined by an angle with respect to the equatorial plane. This angle is referenced as the polarisation skew.
This value is of fundamental importance for the following types of antenna, whenever the polarisation alignment is performed in open loop:
• Earth Stations on Vessels (ESVs)
• Satcom-On-The-Move (SOTM)
• Auto-pointing antenna
If the pointing and polarisation alignment software of these types of antenna did not take into account the skew value, the polarisation discrimination achieved at the end of the alignment would suffer a major degradation with respect to the value which the antenna optics could theoretically yield. As a consequence, there would be a high risk of interference to other services on the opposite polarisation and the achievable performance would not be met.
The reference X-polarisation is defined as the polarisation where the plane makes an angle of 93.535° in an anti-clockwise direction, looking towards the earth, about a reference vector with respect to a plane containing this vector and the pitch axis. The reference vector is defined as the vector from the satellite in the direction 0.21° towards west and 6.07° towards north in satellite coordinates.
The reference Y-polarisation is defined as the polarisation where the plane is orthogonal to the X-polarisation plane and the reference vector defined above.
In other words, the Eutelsat satellite skew is +3.535°, clockwise when looking at the satellite from the earth, from anywhere on the meridian (in the northern hemisphere) corresponding to the orbital location of the satellite.
In the southern hemisphere the skew is +183.535°, clockwise, from anywhere on the meridian corresponding to the orbital location of the satellite.
There are several satellites in the Eutelsat fleet using linear polarisation which are an exception.
See the attached document on Calculation of azimuth, elevation and Polarization for non-horizontal aligned Antennas (PDF, 14 MB)
An ESVA is necessary in order to verify the antenna performance, i.e. the off-axis radiation, the cross-polar discrimination Transmit and Receive gain, G/T, maximum EIRP capability.
It is mandatory for antennae with a large dish size.
Minimum requirements for the correct performance of the ESVA are that the antenna should be motorised in Azimuth and Elevation. Nevertheless, ESVA tests can be performed on any type of earth station. In the case of non-motorised antennae, necessary arrangements can be made to enable the angular read-out of the antenna.
Once the performance has been verified and considered acceptable, a certificate of earth station performance granting indefinite and unconditioned access will be delivered to the earth station owner.
If the performance is not acceptable, either the test must be repeated after the necessary adjustments have been made to the antenna, or some limitations will be enforced (typically on the maximum allowed transmit EIRP and also on the duration of the approval).
To find out more, or to arrange for an ESVA test, please contact the Earth Station Approval Office:
+33 1 53 98 38 63 / 46 13 or
ESVA tests are a very cost-efficient means to test an earth station and ensure that the antenna manufacturer specifications are being met.
By checking the off-axis radiation, Eutelsat ensures that the earth station antenna, when transmitting, will not interfere with other carriers transmitted on satellites adjacent to the satellite being accessed.
By checking the cross-polar performance, Eutelsat ensures that the earth station antenna will not interfere with other services carried on a transponder cross-polar to the one being accessed by the earth station.
Moreover, the transmit antenna gain and G/T can be precisely measured. The ESVA test enables the earth station operator to calibrate the transmit and receive chains and to determine the exact earth station transmit EIRP as well as the maximum earth station EIRP capability. With the assistance of the Eutelsat Reference Station, the Station Under Test can be properly aligned and therefore prepared for the operational traffic.
For information on the cost of an ESVA, please contact the Earth Station Approval Office: +33 1 53 98 38 63 / 46 13 or
Please see the Universal Access Procedures ITU-R SNG.1710.
Please download the documentation: "Azimuth Correction for Elevation-over-Azimuth Positioners"
See the document Maximum Allowed EIRP Density for Ku-Band Transmissions (PDF, 71 KB)
See the document Maximum Allowed EIRP Density for C-band Transmissions (PDF, 68 KB)
Approval to access the Eutelsat space segment stipulates the maximum allowable EIRP density at beam edge (i.e. at the satellite receive contour of 0 dB/K). This specific EIRP density is also known as EIRP0 density. The EIRP0 density can be either referred to 4 KHz or 40 KHz band, its measurement unit is expressed in dBW/4 KHz or in dBW/40 KHz.
To find out the maximum allowable EIRP from the site where the earth station is located, the calculation is as follows:
Max EIRP density=EIRP0 density - Satellite G/T towards the TX earth station.
The EIRP density can be either referred to 4 KHz or 40 KHz band, its measurement unit is expressed in dBW/4 KHz or in dBW/40 KHz.
Given a Transmit Symbol Rate(TSR) of X (expressed in KBaud) and a Maximum allowed EIRP density (expressed in either dBW/4 KHz or dBW/40 KHz):
Max allowed EIRP for a signal transmitted with a TSR of X Kbaud = Maximum allowed EIRP density (referred to 4 KHz band)+10*log (X/4)
Max allowed EIRP for a signal transmitted with a TSR of X Kbaud = Maximum allowed EIRP density (referred to 40 KHz band)+10*log (X/40)
In both cases above the measurement unit of the EIRP is expressed in dBW.
Type Approval is a process of quality monitoring for large production series of antennas and VSATs. The tests are performed initially on 3 samples randomly selected from the production series and are submitted to the tests described in ESOG 120. Periodically, in time, the quality is checked by repeating a subset of the tests on other production samples.
Characterization is an antenna validation process applied to small production series up to a few dozen units. The tests performed are the same as for Type Approval but they are done on a single sample.
ESVA is a validation process for a single antenna. It follows the ESOG 130 procedures and is reserved for antennas that can't be tested in ranges (generally due to their size).
Please refer to ESOG 160 (PDF, 278 KB).
Yes, access to the Eutelsat space segment is not restricted to type approved antennas only.
There are three types of antenna:
Yes. However, as VSAT networks often comprise hundreds or even thousands of VSATs, when rolling out a large VSAT network on Eutelsat space segment, VSAT type approval is strongly recommended, in order to pro-actively avoid interference to other services.
Type approval for an antenna (coded EA-Axxx) concerns the antenna inclusive of all the passive radio components and its radio-electric performance.
Type approval/Characterization for a VSAT (coded EA-Vxxx) concerns the antenna (and its associated radio-electric performance) equipped with the active radio components, i.e. the transmit (HPA) and receive (LNA/LNB) used with that antenna. Typically the VSAT is approved for a specific network or base-band technology.
Eutelsat does not charge any fees for this kind of activities. The applicant shall take charge of the cost of the third parties laboratory chosen for the tests and associated logistics.
Also, tests performed in Eutelsat premises at the Rambouillet Teleport are not charged. Nevertheless, if the tests impose the Eutelsat staff to travel, the associated expenses are billed to the applicant.
See the attached document (PDF 40KB).