



    To buy Eutelsat Communications shares, you need a share account held by a financial intermediary registered at the Paris Stock Exchange (Euronext Paris), it can be a bank, broker or electronic broker. Shares can be held either as "bearer shares", or "registered shares".

    How to place an order?

    If you wish to buy or sell Eutelsat Communications' shares, place an order with your financial intermediary with the following information:
    - Your share account number
    - The nature of the trade order (purchase or sale)
    - The name of the share and the ISIN code: (ETL, ISIN code: FR0010221234)
    - The quantity of shares concerned
    - The trade execution price: market price, limited price…
    - The date of validity of the trade order: orders with no specified date are valid until the end of the month. With the Deferred Settlement Service, orders are valid until the settlement day.

    Bearer shares

    Bearer shareholders are not known to the company except where the latter is commissioning a TPI (Titre au porteur identifiable, or identifiable bearer security), as allowed by Eutesat Communications’ by-laws.  The shares are managed by your financial intermediary who will charge management fees.

    Registered shares

    With registered shares, Eutelsat Communications can identify individual shareholders and establish a personal contact.

    The advantage of holding registered shares?

    Personalised service : shareholders are treated individually by the company, and receive statements of their account, notices of operations and fiscal statements. They also receive information on the Group’s financial operations.

    Shareholders’ General Meeting invitation: no later than 15 days prior to the General Meeting, registered shareholders receive an official notice of attendance and a Meeting information pack.

    To buy shares or to transfer your shares to registered form, please call + 33 (0)2 51 85 67 89  or send your request to:

    Societe Generale Securities Services
    32 rue du Champ de Tir - CS 30812
    44308 Nantes Cedex 3 - France

    Fax: +33 (0) 2 51 85 62 15

    You may also contact SGSS via the website


    Being a shareholder means owning a part of the capital of a company, entitling you to benefit from fundamental and equal rights

    The right to receive a dividend

    A dividend is the part of the net income that is distributed to the shareholders. The amount of the dividend is submitted by the Members of the Board to the Board of Directors, and voted by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, after adoption of the annual consolidated accounts. The dividend is attached to a stock and paid within 9 months after the end of the fiscal year. To receive a dividend, you must be the owner of a share the day before the payment date.

    The right to attend and vote during the AGM

    Any shareholder, independent of the number of shares held or the detention mode, has the right to attend the Annual General Assembly and to vote. This special event is the opportunity to meet the company, to understand its activities, strategy and goals.

    The right to take part in capital operations

    In the event of a public issue to increase Company capital, and by the decision of the AGM, shareholders are entitled to priority subscription treatment.  If there should be a capitalisation of reserves, the Company is entitled to issue new shares and allocate them free to shareholders.

    The right to be informed

    Eutelsat Communications guarantees to its shareholders the access to any information that could be of their interest: financial information or any other information related to events that could have substantial impact on the stock price.