    Gain global reach with an international provider, rapidly, simply and cost-effectively

    As a broadcaster, your success is limited by the number of viewers you can reach. However, accessing a wider audience requires international distribution methods such as satellite - which can seem daunting. This challenge has become a thing of the past with Eutelsat’s digital platforms, which give you the benefits of global satellite reach without the investment usually associated with satellite distribution. Read on to discover five effective ways Eutelsat Digital Platforms can boost your reach through satellite.


    What are Eutelsat Digital Platforms?

    Before we get into the benefits of using Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms, it’s important to note what the digital platforms are. Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms (EDPs) give broadcasters immediate reach to the wide audiences available via satellite without investing in complex multiplexing facilities.

    The turnkey service combines ground services (including contribution links, content multiplexing and uplinking) and satellite bandwidth for cost-effective access to large established audiences. Broadcasters can leverage the most economical distribution system for their channels while keeping complete control of their content.

    How does it work?

    When you sign up for Eutelsat’s Digital Platform service, you can stream your content directly to Eutelsat’s teleport either via internet, fibre or satellite link. From there, Eutelsat will handle the encoding, multiplexing and uplinking to an international satellite which will stream your content to a massive number of ready viewers.

    The international satellites and regions that are available include: HOTBIRD for Europe and MENA, EUTELSAT 9B for Europe, EUTELSAT 8 West B for Eastern Africa and MENA, EUTELSAT 7B for Sub-Saharan Africa, and EUTELSAT 16A for Western Africa.

HOTBIRD at 13° East

HOBIRD13B_Ku-band_widebeam_downlink.jpg (HOTBIRD 13B Ku-band widebeam downlink...

  • Region: Europe and MENA
  • Reach: 135 million homes


EUTELSAT 9B at 9° East


  • Region: Europe
  • Reach: 14 million homes


EUTELSAT 8 West B at 8° West


  • Region: Eastern Africa and MENA
  • Reach: 60 million homes

EUTELSAT 7B at 7° East


  • Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Reach: 2 million homes

EUTELSAT 16A at 16° East

E16A_Ku-band_African_Downlink.jpg (EUTELSAT 16A Ku-band African Downlink...

  • Region: Western Africa
  • Reach: 4 million homes

Digital Platforms

Reach more TV homes with
cost-effective access to satellite distribution
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    5 Effective Ways Digital Platforms Boost Broadcasters

    Let’s look at how Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms can benefit broadcaster growth through the five primary advantages they offer.

    Immediate access to massive audiences

    Securing advertising revenue, projecting your brand and growing your broadcasting influence all come down to how large an audience you can reach. This can be an uphill battle for many new and small broadcasters, requiring them to painstakingly grow their audience through traditional marketing means and gradual development of their distribution.

    With Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms, it only takes a few minutes to digitally connect to an international satellite that covers entire regions and millions of homes. This approach is not only easier and faster than organically growing your service, it’s also more cost-effective in the short and long term to do so.

    No investment required in multiplexing facilities

    Multiplexing is one of the best ways to reduce the costs of broadcasting. However, the equipment and facilities required to begin are expensive. For developing broadcasters, the expenses involved to set up multiplexing can be too much, forcing them to spend more money in the long term.

    Broadcasters who are customers of Eutelsat’s Digital Platform service do not have to worry about multiplexing as it is entirely handled by Eutelsat. This means that the costs, skills, technology and training involved in multiplexing that other broadcasters have to account for are of no consequence to digital platform broadcasters.

    Simple and easy satellite delivery

    Satellite distribution is one of the most effective ways to reach audiences over any landscape or environment. There are no infrastructural requirements, and your viewers do not have to be equipped with any special gear outside of a regular satellite reception set up, which is becoming easier to access every day. However, distributing a channel through satellite can be complicated and costly, and for many new broadcasters, it can simply be outside their realm of possibility.

    Eutelsat’s Digital Platform service is a simple turnkey solution that provides satellite distribution at a moment’s notice with no catches. Broadcasters can leverage the most economical distribution system for their channels while keeping complete control of their content and accessing large established audiences.

    Flexible bit-rate options for different content types

    Different broadcasters have various requirements for the streaming of their content. For many distribution options, broadcasters must fit in with provider requirements, potentially sacrificing quality or being denied distribution opportunities.

    With Eutelsat’s Digital Platform service, broadcasters gain access to flexible bit-rate options that adjust based on specific requirements. This means that the Digital Platform service can support a vast array of different content, whether it’s SD, HD or others.

    24/7 monitoring and support

    Keeping a broadcast going relies upon many components and conditions. Should one of these be misaligned, broadcasting can come to a halt, hurting brand reputation, viewership and advertiser attractability.

    However, Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms are monitored and supported 24 hours a day, seven days a week, identifying and rooting out any problems before they occur. Should any condition pose a threat to streaming quality or service, Eutelsat’s top engineers will be on the task to ensure that regularly scheduled broadcasting remains unhindered.


    Join the digital distribution revolution

    Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms are an excellent way for new and developing broadcasters to gain instant access to large audiences. It’s fast, easy and cost-effective for channels to extend their reach and ensure their broadcasting remains on air. In addition, Eutelsat’s Digital Platforms can be combined with a complementary OTT service to extend reach to mobile screens, enabling broadcasters to deliver their content to all types of screens, not just TV screens. As new market opportunities arise throughout the world, services like the Digital Platform will offer many strategic advantages for broadcasters of all sizes.

    To find out more about the Digital Platforms service, visit Eutelsat’s website for more information. If you are a broadcaster looking for a satellite distribution partner, join us today and access a world of opportunity for your streaming needs.